Social Media Profiling – A Reliable & Proven Trick to Customer Retention

“Customer is King”, a globally popular phrase holds true for every business irrespective of its domain, size and market presence. Though it’s quite challenging, but still each business ensures to utilise the best available resources and technologies to enhance as

How to Make Your Mobile App Successful With Social Media

Your mobile app may have a beautiful design and slick UI/UX features, but it fails to generate the level of interest you want. The success of a mobile app generally depends on its download rate – the more it gets

Setting Social Media Goals for 2019

“Social media experts” are seemingly everywhere, as are many varying opinions on what’s ahead in the constantly changing landscape of social media marketing. Let’s look at setting your goals based on what you’ve done so far in 2018, and how

Plan a Winning Social Media Strategy

Social Media is important for marketing an organization of any size in today’s digital era. The question “Why should we use social media for our business” has quickly shifted to “How should we use social media for our business”. Whether your

Social Media Marketing For Retail Businesses

As I drive through town earlier I saw a sign for a local monogram shop and a banner that said "Find us on Facebook". Although I do not know the owners I was very proud of them (and I might

Reversing Facebook’s Change to your News Feed

Facebook announced plans in January 2018 to adjust personal News Feeds away from Facebook pages and brand pages, to focus more on what it touts as “meaningful interactions with friends and family”. Whatever, Mark. What does this mean for Facebook pages